In addition to traditional speech pathology services for people with communication impairments, we work with professionals, business owners and others who need to improve their professional communication skills to achieve their work and life goals. We’re passionate about helping professionals and business owners communicate more effectively with their employers, employees, colleagues, clients and other stakeholders.
What’s the big idea?
To work for and to compete with the best, you need advanced business communication skills. We’ve seen plenty of talented, smart people held back – in work and in life – by limited communication skills. We wanted to do something about it.
Some clients need specific training in aspects of business presentation and writing skills that are letting them down. We have a wealth of experience communicating complex ideas to sophisticated clients, orally and in writing. We know what’s expected at the top level. And we know from personal experience how to do it.
Can we help you? Examples of client profiles* for this service
Meet Rakesh. He’s an A-type perfectionist. He’s smart, ambitious, diligent, and well-read. A born leader. Senior management relies on him to get the job done. To solve their problems, on time, and below budget.
But something’s holding him back. He’s been stuck in middle management for too long. He’s losing momentum, despite his talents and promise. He’s sick of seeing less qualified people promoted above him. It makes him angry.
Rakesh knows people don’t always understand what he’s saying. He often gets asked to “say it again” – especially on conference calls. At a presentation last year, his audience switched off. Some walked out. Perhaps it’s his accent – but that hasn’t stopped others. Maybe it’s because he speaks too quickly – his brain running ahead of his mouth. Maybe it’s a combination of the two. Or something else altogether?
Alice brings a lot to the table. Her clients love her. So does her staff. In person, she’s a persuasive communicator. But she has a problem. She can’t write a business proposal to save herself. Alice used to get by with help from her team. But management now wants her to work solo on sensitive projects, including pitches and tenders. Though she’s fine on her feet in beauty parades, her business writing is letting her down. Her boss had to re-write her last proposal from scratch, and is concerned Alice isn’t up to the job.
Rakesh and Alice are examples of the kind of clients we help: motivated, smart people let down only by their communication skills.
If you’re a bit like Rakesh or Alice, we’re uniquely placed to help. As senior lawyers, we’ve worked in executive legal and banking roles managing cross-border teams for big multinationals. We know what and who you’re up against. We know what’s required.
We’re also qualified speech pathologists trained to assess and treat motor speech, articulation and pronunciation issues.
We’re proud of our unusual skill-mix. And we’re committed to helping professionals like you improve their speaking and writing skills to restore their confidence and achieve their potential.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s get to work! Give us a call.
* Neither Rakesh nor Alice is a real client.

Hi there, I’m David Kinnane.
Principal Speech Pathologist, Banter Speech & Language
Our talented team of certified practising speech pathologists provide unhurried, personalised and evidence-based speech pathology care to children and adults in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond, both in our clinic and via telehealth.