How to help teenagers who stutter (and their families)
Do you remember the joys of being a teenager? Growth spurts. Hormones amok. Peer-pressured to distraction. Painfully self-conscious: How do I look? Should I wear…
Do you remember the joys of being a teenager? Growth spurts. Hormones amok. Peer-pressured to distraction. Painfully self-conscious: How do I look? Should I wear…
What can we do to help our pre-schoolers get ready to read without being accused of helicopter-parenting? A lazy Google search will confirm there are…
Imagine for a moment that you can’t read or write; even at a basic level: How would you apply for, find or hold down work?…
There’s so much nonsense out there about kids’ reading problems and treatments. Unfortunately, lots of education, technology, and health businesses cash in on parents’ concerns…
We’ve talked a lot about the “Big 5” essential skills kids need to master to learn to read. But phonological awareness, vocabulary, synthetic phonics, comprehension and…
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