To help young adults with language disorders gain daily living skills, OTs and SLPs should work together using evidence-based tools

To help young adults with language disorders gain daily living skills, OTs and SLPs should work together using evidence-based tools

The big picture: Many young adults with language disorders struggle with activities of daily living, like self-care and money management. These difficulties have been linked to executive functions, receptive and…

To improve the oral language comprehension of school age children with DLD, we must target the right goals. (Here’s what I do, and how I do it.)

To improve the oral language comprehension of school age children with DLD, we must target the right goals. (Here’s what I do, and how I do it.)

The big picture:  Why it matters: Good language skills make life a lot easier. Language comprehension issues tend to: Yes, but:  Goals to target: Based on the current evidence-base, I…

Increase kids’ happiness, language skills, and independence, by supporting them to get out and about and to help others!

Increase kids’ happiness, language skills, and independence, by supporting them to get out and about and to help others!

Even when we’re busy, tired, cash-strapped, and clinging on desperately for end-of-year breaks, we can help our kids socially by encouraging them to: How does this help and how do…