Which words should I teach to a high school student with a small vocabulary?
With thanks to Averil Coxhead, Charles Browne, Nonie Lesaux, Sarah Spencer, Isabel Beck, and Laura Justice, here’s what I say to parents and teachers when…
With thanks to Averil Coxhead, Charles Browne, Nonie Lesaux, Sarah Spencer, Isabel Beck, and Laura Justice, here’s what I say to parents and teachers when…
Spelling is complex. But it’s not random. There are patterns, conventions, even what some people call rules. Lots of us learn them without being taught. But…
Most words in English have more than one syllable, and I see lots of teachers and others talking about syllable types. Have you ever wondered…
With thanks to Viktor Frankl, Anne Lamott, Julia Cameron, Steve Graham, Joan Didion, Paul Graham, Shane Parrish, Jeff Bezos, and Jorge Arango, here’s what I…
a, e, i, o, u – the short vowels. Lots of beginners get them confused – especially children with a history of speech sound disorder,…
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