Hyperlexia: FAQs
1. Hyperlexia*: what is it? Hyperlexia is a condition where a person – often a young child – has word-reading skills that are far above…
1. Hyperlexia*: what is it? Hyperlexia is a condition where a person – often a young child – has word-reading skills that are far above…
“And now I’d like to invite him up here to say a few words. David, take it away.” Words that to this day fill me…
Exceptionally fast talking isn’t rare. It’s even got a fancy scientific name: tachylalia. (It’s Greek, meaning “swift chatter”. ) I don’t like the term: It’s…
I’ve been reading about how to help kids with behaviour problems like defiance. Interestingly, some of the evidence-based behaviour management strategies overlap with techniques we…
We speech pathologists need to talk more about some of the long-term, negative effects of developmental language disorders. We need to explain why getting help…
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