Banter Quick Tips: The Vowel-Spotting Trick for reading Long Words
Most words in English have more than one syllable, and I see lots of teachers and others talking about syllable types. Have you ever wondered what a syllable is? It’s…
Most words in English have more than one syllable, and I see lots of teachers and others talking about syllable types. Have you ever wondered what a syllable is? It’s…
With thanks to Viktor Frankl, Anne Lamott, Julia Cameron, Steve Graham, Joan Didion, Paul Graham, Shane Parrish, Jeff Bezos, and Jorge Arango, here’s what I tell students when they ask:…
a, e, i, o, u – the short vowels. Lots of beginners get them confused – especially children with a history of speech sound disorder, language disorders, and children at…
So beginning readers should always read aloud. That way, they connect print to speech and get feedback from adults. Reading is hard work, and many beginners look around the room,…
Some beginners have difficulties breaking or segmenting written and spoken words into separate speech sounds. This can affect their reading and writing. We can help by grabbing a mirror and…
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