Banter Evidence Snapshots

Banter Evidence Snapshots: bite-sized speech, language, literacy and stuttering resources for busy families

Over the last five years, we’ve written hundreds of articles summarising some of the most interesting research published about speech, language, literacy, stuttering, and voice. 

But who has time to read it? Even we get lost looking for some of our articles!

To make life easier for our clients and readers, we’re pleased to present new, one-page infographics summarising our most popular articles. We call them Banter Evidence Snapshots. 

And we’ll be publishing two a week, starting now!

If you’d prefer to receive Banter Evidence Snapshots via social media, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Banter Evidence Snapshot: Why preschoolers with unclear speech are at risk of later reading problems: red flags to seek help

To read our full article, check out: Why preschoolers with unclear speech are at risk of later reading problems: red flags to seek help

Man with glasses standing in front of a bookcase

Hi there, I’m David Kinnane.

Principal Speech Pathologist, Banter Speech & Language

Our talented team of certified practising speech pathologists provide unhurried, personalised and evidence-based speech pathology care to children and adults in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond, both in our clinic and via telehealth.

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