My pre-schooler stutters and has problems with speech sounds: which one should I treat first?
See our 2018 update about this topic. We know that 30-40% of children who stutter also have a speech sound disorder (Gregg & Yairi, 2007). We also…
See our 2018 update about this topic. We know that 30-40% of children who stutter also have a speech sound disorder (Gregg & Yairi, 2007). We also…
No. So why do people who stutter often feel anxious? Here’s what some of the latest research tells us: 1. Speech is fundamental to both:…
In Australia, there is near consensus among speech pathologists that the Lidcombe Program is the most effective treatment for pre-schoolers who stutter – especially amongst those of…
As we’ve said before, speech restructuring techniques like the Camperdown Program are effective, evidence-based interventions for adults who stutter (O’Brian et al., 2003). But around…
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