
Defrazzle, explore, re-engage and stimulate higher level language skills with new sights and sounds

Leonardo Da Vinci. Benjamin Franklin. Marie Curie. Albert Einstein. Ursula Le Guin. Steve Jobs. Great lives; with not much in common, except burning curiosity about the worlds they lived in.

If you want your kids to talk more, follow their interests. If their interests seem to orbit sluggishly around iPads and Play Stations, jolt them awake with new sights and sounds. Anything unexpected will do!

Last Sunday – between the grind of hanging out the washing, Term 4 homework, report-writing and music practice – we traipsed into the free Museum of Contemporary Art for an hour. Instead of reviewing the work logically, we simply followed the kids around and listened to them, commenting, imitating and interpreting what they said to us. Initially unsure of what to think, the boys quickly revelled in bossing us about. Before we knew it, they’d co-invented a chatter-laden game of re-naming the art according to first impressions.

So – with sincere apologies to the talented artists and their artistic intentions – what follows is a selection of what the Banter Boys came up with in our hour of freedom from our weekend routines. A highly recommended language experiment. Enjoy!

“Everything that is Living, Mixed in One Body”


“Mineral Faces”


“Post-apocalypse”, “Rome and Ancient Egypt”, “After War”


“Sheep Men Think of Minotaurs”




“Ugly duckling”


“Pig’s mess”

“Spikes of Fury”


“Seen but not Heard”


Man with glasses standing in front of a bookcase

Hi there, I’m David Kinnane.

Principal Speech Pathologist, Banter Speech & Language

Our talented team of certified practising speech pathologists provide unhurried, personalised and evidence-based speech pathology care to children and adults in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond, both in our clinic and via telehealth.

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