Showing 6–10 of 15 results

  • From Launch to Waitlist


    Thinking about starting your own speech pathology private practice? Already started, but struggling to get the business side up and running properly? Want your business to be both ethical and profitable from the get-go?

    If so, download our free ebook, detailing the five steps we took to launch our practice successfully.

  • Mentor meeting agenda

    Mentor Meeting Agenda

    $5.99 including GST

    This one-page agenda (in PDF and Word formats) is designed to keep your 1-hour mentor meetings focused and comprehensive. You can also use it during your meetings to generate meeting notes/minutes of meetings. I use it with my own mentors.


  • Negative online review template response

    $5.99 including GST

    This template response to negative online reviews is designed to balance our need to protect reputations and to demonstrate our commitment to quality care against our obligations to maintain client confidentiality and to act ethically.

  • Profit calculator

    Profit Calculator

    $9.00 including GST

    A simple Excel spreadsheet to help you work out business essentials like:

      • how much you should charge;
      • how many days you should work;
      • should you run a mobile service or rent space; and
      • how much salary to take out.

    Includes a worked example, as well as a clean template for you to fill in.

    Simply type in your estimates into the blank spaces of the clean template and the spreadsheet will automatically calculate a projected profit (or loss) based on your numbers.

  • Woman sitting at a desk, in front of a computer

    Progress Note System (Therapy)

    $10.00 including GST

    In our practice, we use a progress note system. For each client, and for every session, we use a system that integrates:

      • key therapy recommendations, including goals and dosage;
      • home practice recommendations;
      • data collection and progress;
      • built in-breaks and discharge plans; and
      • planning for the client’s next session.

    Our Progress Note System (Therapy) is available as a 15-page PDF (including a worked example) and a 2-page platform-neutral template (Word).