Showing 46–50 of 61 results

$9.00 including GST
A simple Excel spreadsheet to help you work out business essentials like:
- how much you should charge;
- how many days you should work;
- should you run a mobile service or rent space; and
- how much salary to take out.
Includes a worked example, as well as a clean template for you to fill in.
Simply type in your estimates into the blank spaces of the clean template and the spreadsheet will automatically calculate a projected profit (or loss) based on your numbers.

$10.00 including GST
In our practice, we use a progress note system. For each client, and for every session, we use a system that integrates:
- key therapy recommendations, including goals and dosage;
- home practice recommendations;
- data collection and progress;
- built in-breaks and discharge plans; and
- planning for the client’s next session.
Our Progress Note System (Therapy) is available as a 15-page PDF (including a worked example) and a 2-page platform-neutral template (Word).

This template pack includes:
- a request for a reference;
- a letter turning down a job applicant; and
- a letter turning down a job.

$9.99 including GST
Building a good referral network of local health care providers can be a great way to build your practice. But your clients’ best interests always come first.
This policy is designed to affirm your commitment to transparency about referrals. Among other things, the policy makes it clear that you don’t pay or accept payments or other inducements for referrals.
For Australian speech pathologists it is also designed to help you demonstrate compliance with the SPA Code of Ethics and the proposed National Code for unregistered health practitioners.

$3.99 including GST
This Session Plan and Data Collection Worksheet is designed to streamline session preparation, execution and outcome measurement. Simply:
- extract your client’s session goals from her/his management plan;
- devise your activities;
- set your reinforcement;
- jot down any special materials you need to prepare; then
- collect session data,
all on one A4 piece of paper. It’s saved us hours of admin a week. We hope it helps you too.
The resource is made available as a PDF and Word document.