Showing 31–35 of 61 results

$5.99 including GST
This template is designed to help you communicate price rises sensitively and professionally to your existing clients, well-ahead of the price rise, so that your clients can make informed decisions about their care going forward.

$5.99 including GST
Repeated, unexplained or poorly explained failures to attend are unfair to your other clients and undermine your profitability.
This notice (which can be sent by email or letter) is designed to notify clients that they have breached your booking and cancellation policy and that you are therefore discharging them from your service or clinic.

Thinking about starting your own speech pathology private practice? Already started, but struggling to get the business side up and running properly? Want your business to be both ethical and profitable from the get-go?
If so, download our free ebook, detailing the five steps we took to launch our practice successfully.

$18.00 including GST
This template pack includes a sequence of letters designed to get you paid without upsetting your clients.
The letters start with an informal “gentle reminder”, gradually progressing to more formal letters that set the scene for debt collection action as a last resort.

$9.99 including GST
***PLEASE NOTE: This policy was written prior to the COVID-19 lockdowns in NSW, Victoria and other places, in 2021. We will update the policy once relevant rules/guidelines have been issued. If you would like us to let you know once the updated policy is available, please email us at Thank you.***
In many jurisdictions, speech pathologists in private practice must have an infection control policy.
This policy template covers management guidelines and precautions for staff when potentially exposed to infection risks.