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$5.99 including GST
“Him” and “her” are used when the person is the object of the sentence. (“He” and “she” are used when the person is the subject of the sentence.) Typically developing children start using “him” and “her” at around 41-46 months of age. However, many people need some extra practice to understand and to use the pronouns correctly.
This 22-page no-preparation pack is designed to give people lots of structured, focused practice on “him” and “her”. Pictures and words are used to support comprehension of the terms, and to scaffold the use of “him” and “her” in simple sentences.

$6.99 including GST
This 59-page resource is designed to help children understand and use “his” and “her” in short sentences. The resource opens with high intensity sentence drills to practice “his” and “her” in sentences. To consolidate the targets, it includes a short bingo game.
The resource features pictures and words and is suitable for children and adults of any age.

$5.99 including GST
At around 42-48 months of age, typically developing children begin to understand “how” questions. But many people – including people learning English as a second language and people with communication disorders – struggle to understand “how” questions.
Of all the question words, “how” is one of the trickiest adverbs to understand and to use. That’s because we use “how” in at least three different ways:
- “How” can mean – “In what manner?”
- “How” can be used to ask questions about the condition of something or someone.
- “How” can be used to ask about the extent or degree of something.
In this 18-page no-prep resource pack, we provide 42 scaffolded sentences to help people understand and to use “how” in questions.

$5.99 including GST
In this 15-page no-prep pack, we have selected complex sentence structures frequently used in instructions, including sentences containing the subordinating conjunctions “if”, “when”, “while”, “when”, “don’t/unless”, “don’t until”, “before” and “after”. To help students, we have sorted objects semantically. To practice, we have selected items based on those used in the student’s real world (e.g. in the classroom).

$5.99 including GST
In this 15-page no-prep pack, we have selected complex sentence structures frequently used in instructions, including sentences containing the subordinating conjunctions “if”, “when”, “while”, “when”, “don’t/unless”, “don’t/until”, “before” and “after”. To help students, we have sorted objects semantically. To practice, we have selected items based on those used in the student’s real world (e.g. in the classroom).