Showing 6–10 of 104 results

$5.99 including GST
CVC words with short <i> and <o> vowels. Early phoneme blending practice using the basic code and word initial continuants.
Why blending? Learning to decode letters into speech sounds, and then to blend the speech sounds together to form words is a fundamental reading skill for all students in their first year of schooling.
Why the basic code? To keep things simple, we start with consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) word structures composed of high frequency letter-sound links.

$5.99 including GST
CVC words with short <u> vowel. Early phoneme blending practice using the basic code and word initial continuants.
Why blending? Learning to decode letters into speech sounds, and then to blend the speech sounds together to form words is a fundamental reading skill for all students in their first year of schooling.
Why the basic code? To keep things simple, we start with consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) word structures composed of high frequency letter-sound links.

$4.99 including GST
Seven, sequenced and animated word recognition exercises focusing on fast and accurate decoding.
Practice decoding consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words by decoding basic code graphemes into phonemes (speech sounds), and then blending the phonemes together to read the words.
Formatted in PDF (for print) and for Google Slides (for smart boards, iPads, and other devices, and to access the animations). Watch the video to see how to access the animations.

$5.99 including GST
Even after beginning readers have learned their basic code letter-sound links, it’s common for them to continue confuse letter-sound links associated with the short vowels – <a>, <e>, <i>, <o>, and <o> – when reading words.
This 33-page resource is designed to help students decode and blend consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) combinations to form words. It includes 26 exercises of structured practice for each short vowel in CVC words. It also includes exercises that:
- mix commonly confused vowels including <a> v <u> and <e> v <i>; and
- contrast pairs of words differing only by the vowel (e.g. “bag” v “bug” and “sell” v “sill”).
Formatted in PDF (for print) and for Google Slides (for smart boards, iPads, and other devices).

$5.99 including GST
In this 14-page pack, we introduce a couple of the best ways we have found to help children who confuse the two letters (and their sounds). After a brief <b> and <d> letter-sound recognition drill, we then jump into practising decoding the letters in words, sentences and stories.
In our preferred sequence, we target <b/d> confusion after consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words, and before consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant (CCVC) words or the extended code.
For this reason, our sentences are loaded with CVC words that can be decoded with knowledge of the basic code, with a just a few high frequency sight words like “the”.