Showing all 3 results

  • Level up your language skills

    (L518) Level Up Your Language Skills 1: Higher Level Oral Language Skills

    $10.00 including GST

    In this 50-page resource, we employ evidence-based practical strategies to help students to understand and to use:

    * high frequency homophones for comprehension and spelling;

    * similes;

    * high frequency academic vocabulary;

    * cultural knowledge: parts of a symphony orchestra;

    * metaphors;

    * the idiom: ‘above board’;

    * analogical reasoning tasks: A is to B as C is to D;

    * sayings and proverbs: ‘Actions speak louder than words’;

    * divergent naming skills for creative thinking; and

    * language used in myths and legends: ‘Atlas carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders’.

  • Level Up Language 2

    (L519) Level Up Your Language Skills 2: Higher Level Oral Language Skills

    $10.00 including GST

    In this 49-page resource, we employ evidence-based practical strategies to help students to understand and to use:

    * high frequency homophones for comprehension and spelling;

    * simile comprehension and production;

    * high frequency academic vocabulary: par, semantic, authority, domain, publish;

    * cultural knowledge: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse;

    * metaphor comprehension;

    * the idiom: ‘Bad Egg’;

    * analogical reasoning tasks: A is to B as C is to D;

    * sayings and proverbs: ‘Beggars can’t be choosers’;

    * divergent naming skills for creative thinking; and

    * language of myths and legends: Sisyphus and his stone.

  • Level Up Language 3

    (L520) Level Up Your Language Skills 3: Higher Level Oral Language Skills

    $10.00 including GST

    In this 47-page resource, we employ evidence-based practical strategies to help students to understand and to use:

    * high frequency homophones for comprehension and spelling;

    * simile comprehension and production;

    * high frequency academic vocabulary: linear, cognitive, graph, correlation, linguistic;

    * cultural knowledge: The three orders of classical architecture;

    * metaphor comprehension;

    * the idiom: ‘at a crossroads’;

    * analogical reasoning tasks: A is to B as C is to D;

    * sayings and proverbs: ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’;

    * divergent naming skills for creative thinking; and

    * language of myths and legends: Pan and panic.