
$5.99 including GST
This 20-page no preparation pack is designed to provide people with structured practice using frequently used verbs and adjectives. With both picture cues and orthography, this pack can be used with people of all ages.

$6.99 including GST
This is the fourth in our series of simple sentence writers, focusing on Subject-Verb-Object-Object (SVOO) and Subject-Verb-Object-Complement (SVOC) constructions, e.g. “The boy is making his mum some toast.” and “The girl called her brother a clown.” (43 pages).
Many writing programs start at the discourse (or text type) level, with tasks like recounts, procedures, and stories. For many students, however, this is too advanced and sets them up for failure. Texts are made up of paragraphs, and paragraphs are made up of sentences. Let’s start with sentences and work our way up!
Some students, including students with language and other learning disorders, dyslexia, and people who are learning English as a second language, have difficulties writing simple sentences. In this series, we provide simple scaffolds to help people to understand, speak, and write in grammatically correct sentences.

$65.00 including GST
Many writing programs start at the discourse (or text type) level, with tasks like recounts, procedures, and stories. For many students, however, this is too advanced and sets them up for failure. Texts are made up of paragraphs, and paragraphs are made up of sentences. Let’s start with sentences and work our way up!
In this 340+ page workbook, you will learn how to write simple sentences, using a range of high-frequency sentence structures. Introductory writing exercises include subject-verb (SV), subject-verb-object (SVO), subject-verb-complement (SVC), subject-verb-adverb (SVA), and subject-verb-object-adverbial (SVOA) phrase sentences.