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$5.99 including GST
Verbs are all about actions. A great way to teach high frequency verbs in sentences is with pictures that move: GIFs! The 12 verbs featured are: run, walk, read, fall, stop, sit, draw, knock, throw, help, play, and kick.
In this resource, we include GIFs of children demonstrating high frequency verbs in action. To play the GIFs, copy the slides onto your Google Drive.
For each video-model, we scaffold four examples of different kinds of sentences you can use to model language with each GIF, e.g.:
- Subject Verb (SV) Sentences: “The boy is walking.”
- Subject Verb Adverbial (SVA) Sentences: “The boy is walking outside.”
- Compound Sentences: “The boy is walking and thinking.”
- Complex Sentences: “The boy is walking because his bike is broken.”

$9.50 including GST
To introduce sentence-level verb practice, we’ve developed a verb “workout”.
Simply print a few pages of our photo-verbs (there’s over 90 photos-verbs in total, lamination optional), and then jump straight in. Each photo features three forms of the verb (e.g. stop, stopping and stopped), and you’ve got the option of working on regular verbs (unvoiced and voiced), irregular verbs and subjective pronouns.
Now, let’s get to it! Download and print off your pack, grab your client and meet your host, Joss the Robot.

$5.99 including GST
10 more GIF-based video models of simple, compound and complex sentences featuring high frequency verbs in context and the Banter Boys. The verbs featured in Volume 2 are: put, jump, call, swing, close, bounce, go, count, get, and fight.
Verbs are all about actions. A great way to teach high frequency verbs in sentences is with pictures that move: GIFs!
In this resource, we include GIFs of children demonstrating high frequency verbs in action. To play the GIFs, copy the slides onto your Google Drive.
For each video-model, we scaffold four examples of different kinds of sentences you can use to model language with each GIF, e.g.:
- Subject Verb (SV) Sentences: “The boy is jumping.”
- Subject Verb Adverbial (SVA) Sentences: “The boy is jumping up and down.”
- Simple Infinitive: “The boy is jumping to stay fit.”
- Complex Sentences: “The boy is jumping because he is happy.”

$4.50 including GST
In this 13-page low-prep pack, the barrier stimulus worksheets are designed to help participants develop their Basic English core vocabulary of verbs. Designed for people learning English as a Second Language, and for children with developmental language disorders, the words depicted in the Barrier Games have been selected from the New General Service List-Spoken 1.2, a list of 721 words accounting for up to 90% of spoken English (Browne & Culligan, 2017, NGSL-S1.2).

$5.99 including GST
Between 30-36 months of age, typically developing children start to use early modal verbs (e.g. can, will) with infinitives in their sentences. Modal verbs are used to show if an action is certain to occur or possibly occur. Modal verbs are also used to talk about people’s ability to do certain actions and skills.
John can cook. John will cook.
The girl can dance. The girl will dance.
When using this 28-page pack, the adult models the ‘can’ sentence (“Dad can dance.”) and asks the child to repeat the sentence. Then the adult asks the child “What will [Dad] do?” The child responds with “Dad will dance.”. The adult recasts any incorrect responses and then repeats the sentence (“Yes, Dad will dance.”).