Australian Employment Agreement Template for an Administrative Assistant working in a speech pathology clinic (Casual)
$120.00 including GST
We’ve designed this casual employment agreement template for administrative assistants working in speech pathology clinics to be consistent with Fair Work Australia template contracts, the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 (MA000027), the National Employment Standards in the Fair Work Act (Cth) 2009, and the Annual Wage Review 2023-2024 Decision of the Fair Work Commission from June 2024.
The templates are made available in PDF and Word formats.
As always, we recommend you seek legal advice about areas of concern – e.g. clauses specific to your business needs.
Now, no-one wants to spend money on expensive lawyers. And, we think we can provide a better ‘base precedent’ without costing an arm and a leg. So we’ve drafted this employment agreement template (in PDF and Word formats), specifically for use when employing Administrative Assistants to work in Australian speech pathology clinics on a casual basis.
We’ve designed the template to be consistent with:
- Fair Work Australia template contracts;
- the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 (MA000027); and
- the National Employment Standards in the Fair Work Act (Cth) 2009.
The template has been updated so it incorporates increases to the Award as a result of the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review 2023-2024 Decision, which took effect from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024, and the new Casual Employment Information Statement as published by the Fair Work Ombudsman.
As always, we recommend you seek legal advice about areas of concern – e.g. clauses specific to your business needs.
Updated: July 2024.