(D406) Weak Syllable Deletion Pack
$5.99 including GST
When we speak, we don’t emphasise each of our syllables equally. For example, in the word ‘telephone’, we usually place the stress on the ‘te’ and ‘phone’, leaving the ‘le’ syllable in the middle un-stressed and weak. In ‘umbrella’, we stress the ‘bre’, leaving the ‘um’ unstressed and weak.
It’s common for young children to omit weak syllables. We call this weak syllable deletion.
This no-prep 7-page Weak Syllable Deletion resource features high frequency, functional words, with orthography and pictures.
In English, we hear several common patterns of error in children’s speech as they grow up. An example of an error pattern is weak syllable deletion.
When we speak, we don’t emphasise each of our syllables equally. For example, in the word ‘telephone’, we usually place the stress on the ‘te’ and ‘phone’, leaving the ‘le’ syllable in the middle un-stressed and weak. In ‘umbrella’, we stress the ‘bre’, leaving the ‘um’ unstressed and weak. It’s common for young children to omit weak syllables. We call this weak syllable deletion.
This no-prep 7-page Weak Syllable Deletion resource features high frequency, functional words, with orthography and pictures.
Age at which you should you consider therapy: 4 years (or younger if your child is being teased for it).
For more information about common speech error patterns seen in children of 3-5 years of age, click here.
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