Showing 186–190 of 533 results

$5.99 including GST
This No Prep therapy pack is designed to help children acquire the so-called uncontractible copula “he is/she is/they are” with a built-in reinforcing diamond hunting game.
You can simply print and work through this resource as is. Or, for added fun, cut out the diamonds on the last page, and stick them in a bag. Your child or client earns diamonds for achieving the target, which they can put on the game board (also included).

$5.99 including GST
In this 24-page no-preparation language workout, we focus on comparative and superlative adjectives ending in -er and -est, respectively.
We have chosen 20 of the highest frequency adjectives in English, and presented two examples of each: one comparing similar objects, one comparing different objects sharing the same quality.

$5.99 including GST
Around the age of 36-42 months, typically developing children start to use third person singular (present tense) forms of verbs, e.g.:
These are sometimes called 3S verbs.
Some people who speak English as a second language and/or have developmental language disorders need focused practice to learn and to use this grammatical form.
This 26-page no-prep pack is designed to help, with both pictures and words making it suitable for children and adults.

$3.99 including GST
Some children have difficulties putting their words into the right order in sentences, for instance, asking questions using “Can I…?”.
In this audio recording, children can listen to people ask for what they want by saying “Can I?”
For this grammar goal, we provide a short .m4a recording and a script with pictures, so that, daily, children can:
- simply listen to the recording as they play nearby or sit in the car;
- listen to our recording as they look at the pictures; or
- have a family member read the script to the child in a shared reading format.

$5.99 including GST
Research tells us that many children with language learning difficulties struggle to ask questions the right way. So, too, do many children who are learning English as a second (or third or fourth) language.
Instead of asking “Can I have a strawberry?” or “Can I go to the park?” these children might say, “I can have a strawberry?” or “Go to the park can?”.
This No Prep “Can I ?” Pack is designed to help children to ask their “Can” questions the right way.