Showing 281–285 of 533 results

$6.99 including GST
In this 30-page informative text language workout, we target:
- oral and written language exercises about the world around us;
- Tier 2 vocabulary;
- semantic feature analysis;
- compound and complex sentences;
- informative text macrostructure;
- problem solving;
- world knowledge; and
- inferencing and verbal reasoning.
All around the interesting topic of ants and spiders!

$5.99 including GST
“Despite”, “in spite of” and “in spite of the fact that”, are very useful words and phrases to use in both spoken and written language. They all mean the same thing:Â “without being affected by” or “in defiance of” (resisting or refusing to obey).
Practice saying or writing the sentences in this 17-page pack, and then explain what they mean in your own words.

$10.00 including GST
In this 50-page resource, we employ evidence-based practical strategies to help students to understand and to use:
* high frequency homophones for comprehension and spelling;
* similes;
* high frequency academic vocabulary;
* cultural knowledge: parts of a symphony orchestra;
* metaphors;
* the idiom: ‘above board’;
* analogical reasoning tasks: A is to B as C is to D;
* sayings and proverbs: ‘Actions speak louder than words’;
* divergent naming skills for creative thinking; and
* language used in myths and legends: ‘Atlas carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders’.

$10.00 including GST
In this 49-page resource, we employ evidence-based practical strategies to help students to understand and to use:
* high frequency homophones for comprehension and spelling;
* simile comprehension and production;
* high frequency academic vocabulary: par, semantic, authority, domain, publish;
* cultural knowledge: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse;
* metaphor comprehension;
* the idiom: ‘Bad Egg’;
* analogical reasoning tasks: A is to B as C is to D;
* sayings and proverbs: ‘Beggars can’t be choosers’;
* divergent naming skills for creative thinking; and
* language of myths and legends: Sisyphus and his stone.

$10.00 including GST
In this 47-page resource, we employ evidence-based practical strategies to help students to understand and to use:
* high frequency homophones for comprehension and spelling;
* simile comprehension and production;
* high frequency academic vocabulary: linear, cognitive, graph, correlation, linguistic;
* cultural knowledge: The three orders of classical architecture;
* metaphor comprehension;
* the idiom: ‘at a crossroads’;
* analogical reasoning tasks: A is to B as C is to D;
* sayings and proverbs: ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’;
* divergent naming skills for creative thinking; and
* language of myths and legends: Pan and panic.